Inhouse Reserves

Icon InhouseCATS Library users can create so-called "inhouse reserves" if they wish to use media from our collections over several days or longer. Inhouse reserves are set up in a dedicated shelf area in the reading room (see below) for the duration of the use.

The following media may be included in inhouse reserves:
  • Monographs and collectanea from the open stacks
  • Non-borrowable media from the open stacks
The following media may not be included in inhouse reserves:
  • Reference works
  • Journals and newspapers
  • Separata and rare books
  • Special media such as microforms, films, posters etc.
  • Media borrowed via the Blue Loan Service from State Library Berlin (please deposit these media at the circulation desk)

Application form

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Terms of use

Inhouse reserves can be set up for the duration of one semester. A new application must be made for a new semester.

Media from inhouse reserves may be used within the reading room by all CATS Library users during opening hours.

To set up an inhouse reserve, please present the desired media as well as the completed application form at the circulation desk of the CATS Library. Additional media can also be added later to an already existing inhouse reserve.



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Letzte Änderung: 2024-02-16
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