Searching for the Music - The CHIME Collection for Chinese Music Research at the CATS Library
Opening of the exhibition | Friday, July 12, 2019
Being one of the most important libraries on Chinese music outside Asia, the CHIME Collection has recently become part of the CATS Library. Begun in 1986 as private endeavor of the Dutch musicologists Antoinet Schimmelpenninck and Frank Kouwenhoven, the collection now includes many rare scores and recordings, as well as some 5,000 volumes of books and periodicals on all aspects of Chinese music.
From July 13, 2019 to April 4, 2020, selected items from the CHIME Collection will be displayed in the foyer of the CATS Library, introducing its history, the peculiarities of the Chinese seven stringed zither guqin, and the development of a new wave of Chinese music in the 1980s. Multimedia presentations accompany this exhibition with film and sound examples.
We cordially invite you to explore selected highlights from this collection in the foyer of the CATS Library.