Filmsammlung Ostasienwissenschaften
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Aktuelle Film-Neuerwerbungen
Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet: The Korean collection at the National Museum of Asian Arts
dvd. - [DVD-ROM]. -
Seo ul teug byeol si: Gug oe so jae mun hwa yu san jae dan, 2024. - 1 DVD-ROM (1 PDF) : 12 cm
(Gug oe Han gug mun hwa yu san ; 19)
dvd. - [DVD-ROM]. -
Seo ul teug byeol si: Gug oe so jae mun hwa yu san jae dan, 2024. - 1 DVD-ROM (1 PDF) : 12 cm
(Gug oe Han gug mun hwa yu san ; 19)
- <OA> DVD-ROM000.014
Yoel, film and video games fanatic, needs to prove to his ex-girlfriend that he has matured. Unlike his older brother, Roberto, serious, formal, and sensible, he must learn to be a geek to win the girl of his dreams.
Zhong guo wen hua bai ti
Di 1 ji, 2, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ming sheng gu ji zhi er. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Di 1 ji, 2, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ming sheng gu ji zhi er. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Yoel, film and video games fanatic, needs to prove to his ex-girlfriend that he has matured. Unlike his older brother, Roberto, serious, formal, and sensible, he must learn to be a geek to win the girl of his dreams.
Zhong guo wen hua bai ti
Di 1 ji, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo wen ming yu yi shu. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Di 1 ji, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo wen ming yu yi shu. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Yoel, film and video games fanatic, needs to prove to his ex-girlfriend that he has matured. Unlike his older brother, Roberto, serious, formal, and sensible, he must learn to be a geek to win the girl of his dreams.
Zhong guo wen hua bai ti
Di 1 ji, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ge di. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Di 1 ji, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ge di. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Yoel, film and video games fanatic, needs to prove to his ex-girlfriend that he has matured. Unlike his older brother, Roberto, serious, formal, and sensible, he must learn to be a geek to win the girl of his dreams.
Jang, HyoJung: China in transition
dvd. - [DVD]. -
Stanford, CA: Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE), [2012]
dvd. - [DVD]. -
Stanford, CA: Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE), [2012]
- <OA> X1.X1 X1 1111
Yoel, film and video games fanatic, needs to prove to his ex-girlfriend that he has matured. Unlike his older brother, Roberto, serious, formal, and sensible, he must learn to be a geek to win the girl of his dreams.
Zhong guo wen hua bai ti
Di 1 ji, 1, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ming sheng gu ji zhi yi. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Di 1 ji, 1, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ming sheng gu ji zhi yi. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Yoel, film and video games fanatic, needs to prove to his ex-girlfriend that he has matured. Unlike his older brother, Roberto, serious, formal, and sensible, he must learn to be a geek to win the girl of his dreams.
Zhong guo wen hua bai ti
Di 1 ji, 3, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ming sheng gu ji zhi san. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
Di 1 ji, 3, dvd. - [DVD]Zhong guo ming sheng gu ji zhi san. -
Bei jing: Bei jing yu yan da xue chu ban she, [2009?]
(Gan zhi Zhong guo)
[DVD] Ten thousand shovels : rapid urban growth in China / produced by Karen C. Seto. -
[Glendale, CA]: [Subpixel productions], [2011]. - ca. 15 min Lauflänge
(10,000 shovels / developed by Rylan Sekiguchi)
[Glendale, CA]: [Subpixel productions], [2011]. - ca. 15 min Lauflänge
(10,000 shovels / developed by Rylan Sekiguchi)
- <OA> X1.X1 X1 1111
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