Virtual Exhibitions
CATS Library Exhibitions
The CATS Library's East Asia Section has a collection of ritual manuscripts of the Yao, a Southeast Asian minority with Chinese roots. The manuscripts have a will of their own and can bring good or bad luck to their owners...
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Exhibitions of the CATS Institutes
The exhibition is part of the publication A Continuous Revolution: Making Sense of Cultural Revolution Culture (Cambridge 2012) and offers new approaches to understanding cultural production and reception during the so-called "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" (1966-1976).
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[...] Each artistic product, the books, the art works, the calligraphies, the poetry and the compositions, which is added to make up the creative couples that are so typical of the Lam/Kaldewey connex, is negotiating and (re)creating an artistic style epitomizing flows between Europe and Asia, from Samuel Beckett to Confucius, from Heinrich Heine to Han Shan, from Kyoto to New York. [...]
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With audio documents, objects, film footage and posters, this exhibition attempts to evoke the memory of a time marked by extreme tensions: between old and new, joy and violence, hope and despair.
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